ADIEU LACAN film reviews
“A gem of a film; in my opinion a true masterpiece that so gently, subtly and accurately portrays an analytic treatment, and more specifically a treatment that proceeds along the lines of a Lacanian cure.”
“The film is born immediately as a classic and from now on it will be absolutely necessary for people in training to see the film.”
“Freud thought a film could never transmit what happens in an analysis...but I am quite sure if Freud saw this film he would fall in love with it... at last psychoanalysis has reached the cinema.”
“...portrays the passion for the clinic not only of Lacan, but of the director and the actors. Do not miss it!! ”
“This important, beautiful film, accomplishing the impossible—artfully portraying a successful psychoanalytic cure.”
“First of all, I loved Adieu Lacan so much! I watched it twice and I knew very little about Lacan to start with. The direction, cinematography, and acting where stellar...”
“Beautiful production. Very sensitive and full of great insights for psychoanalysts or not. I think I shall see it another 2 or 3 times to get the whole thing. Highly recommended ! thank you Richard Ledes and Betty Milan :) ”
“A very meaningful film. Great representation of an analysis brought to the screen.”
“Sensational movie! The direction, the actors’ performances and the script are impeccable. The film is timely and a milestone for psychoanalysis and for the current psychoanalytic movement. The film humanizes its subject and promotes open dialogue—It is essential!”
“It was a super event. Thank you to the organizers!”
“I liked very much the film. A wonderful job of directing and editing. The artists were phenomenal and well directed. I like the chocie of black and white and the directing. The film shows Lacan as anti-dogmatic.”
“A film notable for the novelty of the intimate staging of the analysis — revealing a third stage, that of the thoughts of the analyst, Lacan, and of the thoughts and gestures of the analysand, Seriema. Outstanding actors and direction — among many other qualities!!! Congratulations!!! An excellent movie.”
“I’d like to comment on the delicacy, the sensibility, the feeling and the intensity that the director and actors have expressed with this movie. I loved the film! Congratulations! I am grateful that I had the opportunity to watch it.”
“The closest thing to having met Lacan himself. From now on, a film which can’t be missed for whoever undergoes psychoanalytic training!”
“Epistemic rigor; excellent performances; illuminating details; good pacing in the scenes, in regard to the words, silences, faces and cuts.
I really liked it—congratulations and thank you!”
“A great act of filmmaking, thank you—a perfect, precise and concise expression of the Lacanian theory and practice of psychoanalysis.”
“Thank you very much for giving us this very good and important film—really very complex to make—and with the depth it achieves.”
“The movie is really great, it exceeded my expectations, knowing how hard it is to capture an analysis on film, yet it was done marvelously.
Both main actors were amazing. I hope this movie gains the recognition it deserves. Also I hope to see more films like this in the future.”
“I thought it was a fantastic movie with great performances... I want to share it with other colleagues”
“The film astonished us by working on the untranslatable.”
“...for those of us who are studying to be Freudian-Lacanian analysts, it is extremely illuminating.”
“The film is a gem. It shows the subjects who act in the analytic scene in the space created by what they say without knowing it. A ray of light in the night of our time.”
“What seems admirable and unexpected to me is that it is possible to show the truth of Lacanian psychoanalysis on film. In addition to the quality of the cinematography, the clinic that Lacan dared to affirm is alive and questioning ours.
I found Lacan’s character excellent and am grateful for the generosity with which Betty Milan lets herself be heard.”
“Thanks for making this film. I’m sure the psychoanalytic community will be happy to watch it.”
“...among many lovely qualities, a staging of quietude and devotion vital for psychoanalysis that allows the subject of desire to shift from being held in abeyance to the assumption of its responsability.”
“The film manages to demystify an analysis carried out by Lacan.
It teaches psychoanalysts without falling into banality.
Thank you for making it and sharing it with psychoanalysts.
Thank you very much”
“I really enjoy the film. It transmit in some way the effects about analysis. It show it a very lovely Lacan and the importance to hear us.”
“I thanked Dr. Himes and Dr. Ledes for giving us access to the wonderful film and opening up a way for us to enter and enlarge our fantasies of the Lacanian clinic, in an imaginative and touching way. Among its many elements the film, for me, captures the complexity and brutality identifications and the difficulties of giving birth to the self”
“I have just watched the movie “Adieu Lacan”. It is awesome and evokes admiration through many aspects - great actors, characters as well as the truly presented analysand-analyst bond and of course the image of Lacan. I am impressed by the contrast between the emergence of Seriema’s desire and the last Lacan’s years.
Thank you for such an unforgettable experience!”
“Richard Ledes adds his camera to the interesting dramaturgy of the work, the close-ups, the detailed shots and the ellipsis behind the closing doors, achieving an optimal tempo and appealing to an intelligent spectator.”
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